

Book a Tandem BASE jump with BASE jump moab TODAY! 1.415.370.4515 || Check out our other tours too!

It’s funny to see this viThere are somethings from the past that are so wild— I am not sure I can even fathom doing them today. BASEline takes Freesolo highlining and BASE jumping— and combines the most dangerous parts of both sports together. It takes an incredible amount of focus and a little bit of insanity to even attempt to do these kind of stunts. In terms of low altitude BASE jumping, otherwise known as slider down or slider off BASE, walking a highline 300’ off the deck and doing an aerial off the line— is absurd for this day in age… let alone being done over a decade ago. Im glad I survived this day and age!

The BASEline craze was first inspired by Dean Potter who not only slackline BASE jumped— but went climbing with just a parachute and jumped off the walls too…. Amazingly innovative and rarely repeated today as well. If it is attempted it is usually only done by highly skilled fusion athletes— who are talented in not just falling off a cliff— but using their skill sets to maximize their use of reality and the world around them.

Learning to slackline, highline, trickling, climb, rig, skydive, and paraglide helped me learn to be a better and bolder base jumper— eventually leading me to leading the way for Tandem BASE jumping businesses in Moab, Utah. I attribute my 827+ Safe Tandem BASE jumps and counting to the extensive high intensity training that I did for more than a decade before. I am proud to have paved my own way in training to have the capabilities I have today that help me share the sports and feelings I love most with people of ages, sizes, and walks of life. Come out and jump with me. Text anytime! 1.415.370.4515

Our Pilot Jimmy Peterson!



Jimmy Peterson in his element cruising through the Marching Men Towers in Arches National Park.

Jimmy Peterson is our loyal and dedicated pilot who both flies the Hot Air Balloons you see every morning and has hundreds of Tandem BASE jumps as well; thousands from the SKY too! Since the beginning— Jimmy Peterson has supported the dream and goal and philosophy of BASE jump Moab- and has been a tremendous help time and time again! We trained skydiving together, we’ve BASE jumped for a decade together, and he is invaluable to the success of our goal— to share the gift of flight with people of all ages, sizes, and walks of life. He’s been a literal life saver on at least a handful of occasions!

Jimmy Peterson has been a Commercial Pilot since 2015 and has logged over 600 hours flying over Arches, Canyonlands, and the canyons in Utah. Jimmy moved to Moab in 2010 gaining the knowledge and know how to fly a Hot Air Balloon. Since then her has upgraded to larger balloons, bigger groups and even won awards for the success of his business from google! Together we have been supporting each other in the creation of our businesses and the stoke and moral support has been appreciated both ways. He’s truly a great partner and a better friend!

With vast knowledge of the area and hundreds of flights, he guarantees a safe experience and invites you for the best Moab scenic adventure via Balloon or Tandem BASE jump! Enjoy the views and tour of the area from the sky during a sunrise flight with RedRock Ballooning. They Usually meet early in the morning and then after they land we usually take the customers jumping afterwards— because what’s better than one tour? Experiencing them all.

Jimmy has a talent connecting to people and offering them the encouragement and support they need to lift the limits off their life! GoPro Awarded him for his video with a BASE jump Moab customer that enjoyed the experience tremendously and the video is a must see. When it comes to Tandem BASE— Jimmy and I one of a kind and will support each other forever. Thanks for being you Jimmy. Check the video out below.